Cooking Oil – Some Facts.

Mustered Oil ==============

Market Price – 110 – 150 rs / ltr

1 Ltr Mustered Oil needs approx 3.5 kgs of Mustered seed. So 300 rs approx of mustered seed is required to make 1 ltr of Mustered oil.

That means 1 ltr of 100% PURE Mustered Oil should cost more than 300 rs / ltr 🙂

🤔 How companies are selling at such a low price of 110-150 rs / ltr ??

Sunflower Oil =====================

Market Price – 75 – 140 rs / ltr

Reasonable quality Sunflower seed wholesale price – 220 rs/ kg

1 Ltr Sunflower Oil needs approx 1.4 kgs of Sunflower seed. So 300 rs approx of sunflower seed is required to make 1 ltr of Sunflower Oil.

That means 1 ltr of 100% Sunflower Oil should cost more than 300 rs / ltr 🙂

🤔 How companies are selling in such a low price of 70-140 rs / ltr ??

Groundnut Oil =============

Market Price – 140 – 200 rs / ltr

Reasonable quality Groundnut wholesale price – 80 rs/ kg approx

1 Ltr Groundnut Oil needs approx 2.5 kgs of Groundnut. So 200 rs approx of Groundnut is required to make 1 ltr of Groundnut Oil.

That means 1 ltr of 100% PURE Groundnut Oil should cost more than 200 rs / ltr 🙂

🤔 How companies are selling below 200 rs / ltr ??

Ghee ================

Market Price – 400 – 500 rs / kg

Reasonable Price of milk wholesale price – 30 rs/ kg

1 kg of Ghee needs approx 20-25 ltrs of (5% fat) milk. So total 600-700 rs of Milk (5% fat) is required to make 1 ltr of Ghee.

🤔Does india produce so much of milk??

🤔 Why market Ghee does not melt in summer at room temperature but home made ghee does so ??

Use Cold Pressed Cooking oil or Physically (Not Chemical) refined cooking oil like Rice Bran Oil or Groundnut oil or Sesame Oil etc.

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