About Us

Misson Statement

Certified Products

A mission on Healthier Future.

Diseases like cancer, BP, Sugar and other serious illnesses are on rise. One of the important reason is chemical, antibiotic and pesticide usage in vegetables, fruits and milk.

I request you to think before what you serve to your children ⛹️♂️👶🏻👧🏻🤱🏻. At this stage your awareness towards food 🍛🍲 would make them much healthier adult in later stage of life.

For Sudh Desi supplying fresh and healthy stuff (with Prana) is most important priority.

Diseases like cancer, BP, Sugar and other serious illnesses are on rise. One of the important reason is chemical, antibiotic and pesticide usage in vegetables, fruits and milk.

I request you to think before what you serve to your children ⛹️♂️👶🏻👧🏻🤱🏻. At this stage your awareness towards food 🍛🍲 would make them much healthier adult in later stage of life.

For Sudh Desi supplying fresh and healthy stuff (with Prana) is most important priority.

Founder – Santosh Kumar

Founder – Santosh Kumar

Email: contactsudhdesi@gmail.com / Contact@sudhdesi.com
Phone: +91 9901297921
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/santoshkmr
Web: www.sudhdesi.com
(After working for 16 yrs in IT and Finance in many countries, back to India for making a difference in lives of our people)

Adulteration/Duplication/Mixing in Food items in India.

Please watch the video on adulterations, some eye opening facts are there. (by moneylife and speech by Arvind Shenoy, Consumer Product Researcher). Another news video by India Today.

Let’s understand why there is adulteration in food/spices/oil in India. The main reason behind this is lack of strong law for culprit who is doing these activities. Read more at: http://www.livelaw.in/food-adulteration-laws-india-governments-response/(Published on August 12, 2016)

There are many news article on Food adulteration (Cooking Oil, Spices, Flour, Tea etc) in India,

• Scientific India (www.scind.org), Nov 15, 2015.

• http://www.bigumbrella.co.in,Dec 9, 2016

• http://www.newindianexpress.com, 19th Feb, 2017

Some of the very common disease like Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Heart Problem, Kidney issue and Cancer are becoming common in every house. These adulteration/duplication are SILENT KILLER as there is no immediate effect.

If I say, does Cow mix water or anything in its milk, NO. So who does the mixing (adulteration) in milk? Then nobody can defy the fact that milkman, in other words middleman, does mixing (adulteration) in milk.

Traditional Business

Please refer flow of products from Company to Customer.

If I say Company is like Cow and middleman is like Milkman, isn’t it a correct statement? As soon as Company gives the product to  Agent/Stockist, it looses the control on the product. And there only mostly things go wrong and adulteration / Duplication / mixing happens in products like Oil/Spices/Tea/Milk etc. Company spends a lot of money (30-45% on average) on advertisement which is added to product cost, which ultimately is borne by Customer. At the end customer get product at high price and with no guarantee of Purity. These are the disadvantages of Traditional Business

1. Purity is not guaranteed

2. Possibility of old stock as Stockist purchases in bulk and stock it.

3. Health issues.

4. Costly products.

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