Obesity and Diabetes – Solution and Diet Plan

Main concept is Calories intake should be less than Calories consumption.

Minimum 20-30 minutes of Exercise (Gym or Regular) on daily basis.
Gym as per instructor
Regular Exercise may contain below.
if no issues with Knee pain, than 300 steps up and down daily.
Surya Namaskar
Pranayam – Kapal Bhati mainly.
Before sleep, if possible do relaxing walk.

This diet plan is based on Veeramachaneni Ramakrishna (VRK) Diet Plan (Liquid & Solid) which is also known as Ketogenic Diet Plan.

Mr.Veeramachaneni Ramakrishna Rao is from Andhra Pradesh and he claims. He has lost his weight 30 kgs in 3 months. Millions of people have got benefited with his diet plan.

If you want to reduce your weight to normal level and stop taking diabetic medicines or get ride of issues related to Blood pressure, this diet plan would help.

It suggests avoiding Carbohydrate rich food, eating high fat and moderate Protein. Avoiding carbohydrate in food, body starts using stored body fat for energy. Which helps in loosing weight faster. Eating some protein will keep your muscle strong. Use Rock salt instead of normal salt.

Daily intake of

70-100 gms of fat

3 Lemons

4 Ltr of Warm water

1 Nutricharge Herbal Multivitamins

1 Green Tea

The diet plan is divided into 2 types

1. Liquid Diet Plan

2. Solid Diet Plan

Liquid Diet plan should be started first followed by Solid Diet Plan.

VRK Liquid Diet Plan for Weight Loss

More weight is going to loose during this period. It can be followed as long as you are comfortable, not feeling nausea or some other health complications.

The diet contains

  1. 70 to 100 gms of FAT (Choose any of these – Pure Coconut oil, ghee, butter, cheese) Branded items may not be pure. VRK recommends Pure Coconut oil.

  2. 3 Lemons

  3. 4 Liters of Warm Water

  4. 2 Multi-vitamin tablets

Sample Meal can be

1. Morning just after wakeup

Warm Water (quantity as per your capacity) with 1 Lemon

2. Breakfast (8-9 AM)

  • Mix Vegetable soup (Veg or Non Veg) – stain it – drink it.

  • After that Drink butter milk – Water + 1 tbsp curd (no salt) + 1 Lemon + coriander leaves.

  • Multivitamin (Nutricharge (Herbal) Man/Woman)

  • If you like, drink green tea after breakfast.

3. Lunch (12 – 1:30 PM)

Mix Vegetable soup – may be bit different taste than breakfast. Butter milk, which was made in the morning.

4. 4-5 oclock

Freshly ground coffee in hot water + Butter + Coconut Oil.

5. Dinner (6-7:30 PM)

Mix Vegetable / Non Veg soup – Can use Coconut oil


If taking fat cutter (Nutricharge S & F) supplement than drink that dinner

1 sachet in warm water of 1 glass. (It will provide enough protein and has some natural fat cutter herbs to dissolve body fat)

If during day feeling hungry then take soup again.

VRK Solid Diet Plan for weight loss

After completion of Liquid diet plan as per your capacity, move to eating solid foods. These are allowed on the diet. Make sure to drink liters of water with 3 lemons per day and 80 gms of fat in form of Pure Coconut oil/Pure Ghee etc.

Sample Meal can be

1. Morning just after wakeup

Warm Water (quantity as per your capacity) with 1 Lemon

2. Breakfast (8-9 AM)

  • Egg omelette (max 6 eggs allowed per day) or boiled eggs with Mixed boiled vegetables

  • 1 Multivitamin Supplement (Nutricharge Man/Woman (Herbal)

3. Between Breakfast and Lunch (11 AM)

Mix Veg/Non Veg soup – with recommended fat (Pure Coconut oil)

4. Lunch (12-1:30 PM)

Vegetable curry or Chicken/Fish/Prawns/Mutton curry with sea salt or rock salt. Cook it with pepper and Olive oil/Coconut Oil/Physically refined Rice Bran Oil.

5. Evening Snack (4-5 PM)

Vegetable Salad – Some carrots/Cucumber etc.

6. Dinner (6-7:30 PM)

Dinner: Soup with fat (make sure you finish your daily target of 70 gms fat per day by this meal)


If taking fat cutter (Nutricharge S & F) supplement than drink that dinner

1 sachet in warm water of 1 glass. (It will provide enough protein and has some natural fat cutter herbs to dissolve body fat)


Follow above Liquid and Solid Diet plan intermittently for some months until you get desired weight or BMI. Your sugar level should go down automatically.

Once you are normal on weight and Sugar level or BP

Try to be careful on diet always.

  • You can eat Carbohydrate like Rice/Wheat but just in smaller quantity limit.

  • Avoid any Chemically Refined Cooking Oil

  • Please use Pure Coconut Oil, Physically Refined Rice Bran Oil (You can use Healthguard Physically refined Rice Bran Oil)

  • Avoid any junk food or drink.

  • 30 mins Exercise is must on daily basis.



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO6t-mRBfyE (Its in Telugu)

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